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'Rewild' - Camps for Tweens

Next Camp - 19 or 20-25 Aug 2024, with John and Celine

A space to unwind, ground and run wild, to play, swim and be restored to our genuine self by the land whilst away from family and school. 



Our aim with this retreat in nature is to facilitate a space to be nourished by living simply on the land in community with others, held safely by loving adults.

We will start with an opening circle, where we will invite the t(w)eens to share what they expect and would most like to do, so they can very much shape our time together how they'd like it.


The offerings will entail: cooking on the fire, hiking, acro-yoga, making damns in the river, playing, rounders and other group games, storytelling, singing, making land art, walking in the dark...


We will ensure we have each day a meditative quiet space to be in too, journal, do craft, lie in the sun, star gaze.

The t(w)eens will learn and share cooking skills as each will take turns cooking for each other in teams.


On the last evening, we will hold an open stage with an open invitation to each share our unique talents.


We also will have time where girls and boys are separate. 

As per the t(w)eens request, Celine and John will each lead a separate group who will go for a hike in the hills for a couple of hours, and stop for a mindfulness teaching.


There will be space to share and be supported with any topics they’d like to bring up. 


Book your child in or ask a question

To book a place simply fill the form below or send a whatsapp message to Celine (07429054824)

John with Grace and Willow balance
Celine and kids in care in spring forest
Face paint Anouk Celine
John with Willow and Alby on lap
John Celine playing games with kids
Anouk helping Celine with younger kids in her care, reading the book the Orange Solution
Kids Hol Camp 2021
Kids Sleep in Caravan Hol Camp 2021
Celine and kids in care in winter forest

Through the BeginningMind books, kids learn how to relax in mind to be happy and act with kindness and deep wisdom. The texts are for the children and adults of today and are written by Ziji Rinpoche, Dzogchen lineage successor of Wangdor Rimpoche. 


Our Dzogchen books for kids give kids the tools to relax and face every day stormy feelings with solution focus and empowerment leading to mastery. Our books ignite children's power to contribute beneficially with mind, speech, body, qualities and activities. 

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